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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Wedgies on the wing

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Denis Wilson of The Nature of Robertson has sent me a collection of Wedgetailed Eagle shots. Miss Eagle thinks they are wonderful - particularly the one where the wedgie is upside down, perhaps with an eye on some prey. Thanks to Denis, Miss Eagle has quite a collection.

Here are Denis's comments.

Here are a bunch of Eagle pix for you. Most are not good photos, (Miss Eagle loves them, Denis. Dont't be too modest.) but I have sent them, as a study in how the wings work. Some show the deep V shape when they are circling. When flying low and flat, the wings beat, and then the tips of the wings get bent back up by the effect of the air during the downbeat. There were 2 birds, one of which has a shorter tail than the other (regrowth after moulting). The long tailed one shows how its tail is also used aerobatically, as it is noticeably deeply V shaped (in a vertical sense) as well as being wedge shaped in outline. In other words, the longest feathers are held lowest.

None of these shots compare with the Sea Eagle shot, but they are interesting for various reasons. Wedgie wings 1 - the bird is actually flying away from me (not immediately obvious). The reflection is coming from the side of the V shaped tail (as the bird is turning it is using the deep V of its tail to help get turning power).

Wedgie wings 2 has a weird effect - you can see the close wing is spread, but the other wing appears to be closed, but uplifted on the tips, almost like a butterknife.

Wedgie Wings 3 has the bird looking almost perfectly in balance, and looking relaxed.

Wedgie Wings 4 has it nearly balanced, as it flies over, but its left wing is being uptilted by the wind.

These are just sent to you for interest. I used my 2 favourites on the blog tonight. I love the one where it is flying downhill, to the left (#1)