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Showing posts with label Michael Kirby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Kirby. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Time to go, Bill Heffernan...we don't need to hear from you ever again

Well, dear Reader, do you think the above touched-up photograph is fair political comment?
You see, he's at it again.
The Second Commandment is commonly known as The Golden Rule. It is "loving your neighbour as yourself".
Bill can't keep his mouth shut. In fact, it appears that he may never have heard of that wise saying which states that if you can't say something good about someone then don't say anything at all.
Now, ordinarily, someone like Bill probably wouldn't get airplay. Bill would never pass as an intellectual. His resources aren't such that they would be a source of power. And it is doubtful whether he could lead legions of followers across a desert. In fact, his comments would probably die for want of oxygen except for one crucial fact. You see, dear Reader, Bill is a good mate of John Howard's and a sort of attack-dog-come-dirt-digger for him.
But Bill is not infallible - and definitely not reliable.
This became clear when he tried single handedly to destroy one of Australia's finest jurists, Michael Kirby. He failed in a major, major way.
But headlines and attitudes which say that "Bill is just being Bill" won't cut the mustard anymore. Bill's mouth and mind are too despicable for that.
Apologists for Bill from the PM down only show their own lack of ethics, show their own bigotry and bias, and shame Australia and Australians.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Learn from history to protect everyone's freedom

Every act of discrimination by our Parliament and governments dishonours our nation.
We honour the memories recorded in this book most worthily
when we resolve to respect
the freedoms and dignity of all people and to be vigilant for our own.
at the launch of an anthology of the memories of child survivors of the Holocaust.
Let us remember! Let us learn!