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Showing posts with label Privatization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Privatization. Show all posts

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Selling off the National Estate

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Parliament House, Canberra.

For sale?

Hands up those who want to sell real property in government hands. Now hands down those who have a financial or political interest in the sale of real property in government hands. Miss Eagle's gut feeling is that when a vote is taken which would exclude those with conflicts of interest, there is no majority for the sale of real property in government hands. Then again one might wonder what would be up for sale. Well, the little gnomes of have helped us out here and actually made a list. This list should only be seen as a starter.

Miss Eagle would welcome additions to the list along with explanations of their financial and revenue value.

Australia Post: Iconic Australian monopoly business with extensive retail network, large bike inventory, potentially great billpay system, and even further revenue opportunities for featuring B-Grade celebrities on limited-edition stamps.
Parliament House: Hot air tours are just one of the commercial opportunities afforded by this iconic national parliamentary edifice in which no expense has been spared in construction and fit-out. Generous lease back agreement subject to negotiation with vendor.
Australian Institute of Sport: Developing the iconic prowess and moral fibre of the next crop of Australian athletes, there is considerable revenue potential for HECS-style scheme. Excellent sponsorship potential from breakfast cereal and condom companies.
Australian Electoral Commission: Independent democracy administration service. Excellent cost saving available from streamlining operations and reducing electorates and politicians. Unstable but iconic Pacific region also offers growth potential.
Sydney Harbour: Stunning views, plethora of fish, steady stream of water traffic, iconic harbourside real estate. Ripe for further development, above and below the waterline.
Sydney Opera House: Architectural icon superbly situated for commercial exploitation. Major merchandising opportunities, including licensing of logos and images, available for an innovative owner. Large outdoor advertising space also accessible.
Great Ocean Road: Iconic ocean-hugging roadway with major tolling potential and other opportunistic tourism revenue opportunities. Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Bloated and left-leaning broadcasting icon with enormous potential for rationalisation and depoliticising.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Selling out the nation

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Prime Minister JB Chifley: opening ceremony: Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric scheme, Adaminaby, 1949

National Archives of Australia (when will this be sold off?)

NAA: A11016, 821
Howard, Iemma and Bracks have decided to sell the Snowy Mountains Hydro Ltd., an icon of Australia's post-World War II development. This is a national shame which brings no glory to those involved. Glorious though is the letter sent by 56 prominent Australians to their Prime Minister begging him not to proceed with the sale. Miss Eagle publishes the letter below for all the world to see together with the honourable Australians who signed - many of whom are known internationally.

"The undersigned appeal to the Commonwealth to suspend the sale of Snowy Mountains Hydro Ltd. This iconic enterprise was a stepping stone on our path to nationhood and was seen by all the world as a marker of our aspiration. It is part of the glue that binds us.
Handing control of this central pillar of our water and power supply to those whose interests cannot be guaranteed to reflect our own, at a time of climate water and energy uncertainty such as we have never seen, is imprudent at best and could so easily end in bitter regret.
That the sale is proceeding, apace, with so little public understanding, is wrong. Such an action demands rigorous and transparent analysis by people of vision, with unquestionable objectivity, undistracted by unrealistic time limits, short-term budgetary considerations or vested interests.
We ask you to suspend the process to give pause for analysis and time for free and open debate of this manifestly non-partisan issue in all parliaments of the nation. Water is far too fundamental and precious a resource to be put in jeopardy with so little forethought.
A wise and sensitive response to the widespread and growing public anxiety about this sale would attest to the strength of our democratic system and serve to enhance the unwritten compact between parliament and people that has allowed this country to work so very well.
Our warrant for this appeal is that we are all so very fortunate as to have been born into or welcomed by this wonderful place we call home."
Les Murray, Poet
Donald Hazelwood, Concertmaster Emeritus, Sydney Symphony Orchestra
John Bell, Actor, Bell Shakespeare
Siobhan McHugh, Author and Historian
Geraldine Brooks, Author
Julian Burnside, QC
Paul Barratt, Former Secretary, Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy
Andrew Buttfield, Civil Engineer
Alastair Mant, Author
Richard Leplastrier, Architect
John Anthony, Former Deputy Prime Minister
Ian Lowe, Scientist, President, Australian Conservation Foundation
Mick Dodson, ANU Institute for Indigenous Australia
Bill Hayden, Former Governor General
Jack Mundey, Former Union Leader
Tom Uren, Former Federal Minister
Cate Blanchett, Actor
Bernie Fraser, Former Reserve Bank Governor

Peter Cockbain, President, Institution of Engineers
Justice Marcus Einfeld, QC
Bob Wilson, Chief Commissioner of Water Resources
Jonathon Biggins, Writer
John Button, Former Federal Minister
Jeff Angel, Director, Total Environment Centre
Faith Bandler, Author
Bob Ellicott, QC
Ted Mack, Former Independent Mayor, MLC, MHR NSW
David Malouf, Author and Poet
Sheila Swain, Former Mayor and head of the Mitchell College of Advanced Education
Malcolm Fraser, Former Prime Minister
Gordon Samuels, Former NSW Governor
John Menadue, Former Public Servant
Max Talbot, Former Engineer, Snowy Hydro Ltd
Rachel Siewert, Senator
Peter Andren, MHR, Fed
Alison Broinowski, Writer and Former Diplomat
Craig Ingram, MLA, Vic
Peter MacDonald, Mayor, Former MLA NSW
John Hatton, Former MLA NSW
Vin Good, Former Snowy Commissioner
Tony Windsor, MHR, Fed
Robert Manne, Professor, LaTrobe University
Andrew Bartlett, Senator
Glenn Murcutt, Architect
Henri Szeps, Actor
Richard Wallace, Mayor, Snowy River Shire
Ian Barker, QC
Ian Frazer, Scientist, 2006 Australian of the Year
Paul Stephenson, Mayor, Goulburn
Richard Broinowski, Former Diplomat
Bob Ellis, Author
Russell Savage, MLA, Vic
Peter Sculthorpe, Composer
Lady Southey
Lyn Allison, Senator
Natasha Stott Despoja, Senator
Douglas Nicholas, Convenor

Poor fella my country and ancient wisdom

Miss Eagle's mind has been very busy with grammar. She has been trying to match a preposition to the word sell: sell out, sell off, sell up, sell on. The governments of poor fella my country want to sell off everything. They are selling up as if someone was about to foreclose and they needed the ready cash. They are selling on like a speculator whose sole mode of being is to broker a bob. But most of all they are selling out - selling us, its citizens, out. Selling icons that the governments and citizens of this nation built as things of great communal and national value. Things which have been integral to our lives and our national development.

Ancient wisdom and ancient narratives serve us well. They serve us well because human nature doesn't change much. Thus the story told in the Book of Genesis Chapter 29 verses 29-34 is significant in this discussion.

Now Jacob cooked a stew; and Esau came in from the field and he was weary.
And Esau said to Jacob, "Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary." Therefore his name was called Edom. But Jacob said, "Sell me your birthright as of this day." And Esau said, "Look I am about to die; so what profit shall this birthright be to me?" Then Jacob said, "Swear to me as of this day." So he swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob. And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.

And into Miss Eagle's mind come names and faces: Steve Bracks, Morris Iemma, John Howard, Macquarie Bank.

Ah, poor fella my country. A birthright despised.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Medibank Privat-ised?

Warwick Hatfield - who rattles quickly through all the sporting news on RN's Breakfast every morning from Monday to Friday - is nothing if not a wit - and, at the speed at which he delivers his news, you have to be quick on the ear and the uptake.

To-day, Warwick fitted in his comment on the decision by the Howard Government to privatise Medibank Private in two words: Medibank Privatised.

Oh Warwick, we hope not.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Vote NO to the sale of Medibank Private

The Age is having a vote on the sale of Medibank Private.
These votes do not go on forever.
Please go to

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The sell-off of Medibank Private

Nothing must ever stand between a politician and a pot of money. The latest honeypot to put a gleam in the eyes of John Howard's venal government is Medibank Private. Miss Eagle's medical insurance is with Medibank Private. She has had her moments over her lifetime with Medibank Private but still believes it gives good service, is accessible, and - importantly - more fairly priced although she could have lived without the latest price rise.

Kenneth Davidson points out that, apart from initial seeding money provided by the Australian Government, Medibank Private has been built on the contributions of its members. This, surely, must give Medibank Private members a role as stakeholders in the business of Medibank Private. Please write to your Federal member of Parliament, to the Treasurer, and to the Minister for Health and explain to them your views - no sell-off of this membership driven organisation.

Postscript: Miss Eagle checked the dictionary to ensure she was using the word 'venal' correctly. She thinks the following definition indicates she has used the word appropriately.
1. a. Open to bribery; mercenary: a venal police officer.
b. Capable of betraying honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible.
2. Marked by corrupt dealings, especially bribery: a venal administration.
3. Obtainable for a price.