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Thursday, July 28, 2005

'Millionaire's Factory' defends $10m salaries - Business - Business -

So the Macquarie Bank considers it has no responsibility to the community but responds only to some amorphous international going rate for executives. That's OK. Clearly they have never heard about sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind nor do they show any concern about where they should be going and how difficult they are making it for themselves to get there. The calls from shareholders and community demanding public and transparent accountability from major corporations have not yet reached a sufficient level of decibels to bring about change. The likes of Mac Bank think they can ignore the consequences of the decision as if there never will be consequences. I would remind them that time is a great sifter - a sifter of wheat, a sifter of chaff. The sifting process usually brings results for the world to see. A classic case is the National Australia Bank. For a long time, it was the bank who was first to put its interest rates up and last to put them down. While others were responsive to calls for putting women on boards, the National Australia Bank resisted - even when women were on the boards of its overseas subsidiaries. Now the National Australia Bank has been visited by woe upon woe. I am not suggesting any superstitious linkage - merely that the mindset which encourages one set of circumstances may also lay the foundations for another. How easy then to sow dubious seeds which bear fruit that is unattractive, unappealing, useless and possibly destructive.