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Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Prayer of Jabez and a dream held forfeit

Is praying a prayer formula to the Judaeo-Christian God to obtain material blessing superstitious? I think so - and, at the very least, the act of praying this type of prayer displays a shallow understanding of the Creator and his creation. The Prayer of Jabez by U.S. author Bruce Wilkinson is a best-selling book encouraging such a prayer formula. Bruce Wilkinson, it seems to me, is an example of how culture can imprison a person. You can read some of my thoughts on culture and religion in the comments on a Willzhead post at

Bruce Wilkinson went to Africa with, not only his cultural baggage, but he was unwilling to invest the time or practice the humility to learn from Africans. The Christian church across many denominations has sound inculturation experience. Bible colleges and theological colleges teach it. Bruce Wilkinson didn't bother to listen, it appears. David Batsone reflects thoughtfully on the issue at Sojourners.