Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson has announced his front bench. Miss Eagle posts it for the record and without comment. But you, dear Reader, please feel free to make whatever comment you like.
Julie Bishop: employment, business and workplace relations
Malcolm Turnbull: shadow treasurer
Andrew Robb: foreign affairs
Nick Minchin: defence
Tony Smith: education, apprenticeships and training
Tony Abbott: Indigenous affairs, families, community services and volunteer sector
Ian Macfarlane: trade
Joe Hockey: leader of opposition business; health and ageing
Greg Hunt: climate change, environment and urban water
Bruce Billson: broadband, communication and the digital economy
Christopher Pyne: justice, border protection and citizenship
Bronwyn Bishop: veterans affairs
Stephen Ciobo: small business, the service economy and tourism
Michael Keenan: shadow assistant treasurer
Warren Truss: infrastructure, transport and local government
Nigel Scullion: fisheries, agriculture and forestry
Helen Coonan: human services
Peter Dutton: finance, competition policy and deregulation
Chris Ellison: immigration and citizenship; manager of Opposition business in the Senate
George Brandis: shadow attorney-general
Michael Ronaldson: special minister of state
Sharman Stone: environment, heritage, arts and indigenous affairs
Bob Baldwin: defence science, personnel and assisting shadow defence minister
Sussan Ley: housing, status of women
Pat Farmer: youth and sport