David Martin has had close connections with Aurukun for over 30 years, including living there as a community worker for eight years from the mid-1970s, and later spending a further two years there conducting research for his doctoral thesis. He has close family connections with Aurukun, and has raised children there. He gave evidence into the Aurukun hearings of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and provided advice to the Fitzgerald Cape York Justice Inquiry. David is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University and an independent anthropological consultant. He spoke to Thomas Hunter for Crikey.
Miss Eagle finds that First Dog echoes her sentiments. What else can be said that has not already been said? At least until the next time I wax loud and lyrical and rant and rave about racism and governance in Queensland - and remind you, dear Reader, how far away in distance, culture, comfort, and support Aurukun on Cape York is from Brisvegas and its comforts, freeways, casino, ignorance, and failure to listen and to consider!