Miss Eagle has received this morning an email from her good and dear friend, Patricia Corowa, which was forwarded to her from Russell Logan. Russell and Patricia are trying to disseminate this information as widely as possible, so Miss Eagle is posting the email here together with a relevant link in the hope that you, dear Reader, will pick up the baton and disseminate it even further. Go for it! Indigenous women - don't delay! Apply now!
From: russell.logan@centrelink.gov.au
I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land I work on, as the first people of this country
I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land I work on, as the first people of this country
Russell Logan
Indigenous Service Officer
Tweed / Gold Coast Areas Area Pacific Central
Fax: 07 55 699 599Ph 07 55 699 584Mob:Email: russell.logan@centrelink.gov.au
Attention: Good Shepherd Indigenous Scholarship Applications cut off date 31 October
Dear Good Shepherd People
The dead line for the next round of Good Shepherd Scholarships for Indigenous women is Wednesday 31 October. We encourage you all to distribute the attached information sheet as widely as you can across all your networks. You might also personally give any aboriginal women you know the attached information sheet.
We'd like to spread the word as widely as possible even to women who are not already studying. In this way the information may reach some women who might not otherwise have been in a position to consider tertiary study. These possibilities make the Good Shepherd Indigenous Scholarship a very particular way of furthering
Cheers Annie
In 2006 the Good Shepherd Sisters formalised a Reconciliation Scholarship Program for Indigenous women. The Scholarship Program is an expression of Good Shepherd’s commitment to reconciliation. In keeping with the Good Shepherd spirit, the Scholarship aims to advance reconciliation by building the capacity of individual Indigenous women and by making a significant difference in their lives.
Reconciliation Scholarships are open to Indigenous women of any age who are eligible for or enrolled in a course of study leading to a certificate, diploma or degree at an accredited Australian University or TAFE.
The Scholarships assist students with their HECS liability and provide a small living allowance of $1,500 per semester. Students who have made other arrangements to cover their HECS fees and those who face additional financial, social, geographic or emotional challenges in undertaking study can request assistance for the purchase of computing equipment, child care, transport, tutoring and counselling to the value of $5,000 per year.
The value of each scholarship will be determined by the individual student’s needs to a maximum of $7,500 per year. Scholarships can be renewed each year, if progress is satisfactory; but one-off grants for special assistance can also be made.
Good Shepherd Reconciliation Scholarships are funded by the Good Shepherd Sisters and administered by the Mary MacKillop Foundation.
More detailed information and application forms are available from the Mary MacKillop Foundation. Please contact the Project Co-ordinator at:
The Mary MacKillop Foundation Limited
9 Mount Street
North Sydney, NSW, 2060
PO Box 1508
North Sydney, NSW, 2059
Telephone: (02) 9929 7344 or (02) 8912 4860
Email: info@mackillopfoundation.org.au
Website: www.mackillopfoundation.org.au
In 2006 the Good Shepherd Sisters formalised a Reconciliation Scholarship Program for Indigenous women. The Scholarship Program is an expression of Good Shepherd’s commitment to reconciliation. In keeping with the Good Shepherd spirit, the Scholarship aims to advance reconciliation by building the capacity of individual Indigenous women and by making a significant difference in their lives.
Reconciliation Scholarships are open to Indigenous women of any age who are eligible for or enrolled in a course of study leading to a certificate, diploma or degree at an accredited Australian University or TAFE.
The Scholarships assist students with their HECS liability and provide a small living allowance of $1,500 per semester. Students who have made other arrangements to cover their HECS fees and those who face additional financial, social, geographic or emotional challenges in undertaking study can request assistance for the purchase of computing equipment, child care, transport, tutoring and counselling to the value of $5,000 per year.
The value of each scholarship will be determined by the individual student’s needs to a maximum of $7,500 per year. Scholarships can be renewed each year, if progress is satisfactory; but one-off grants for special assistance can also be made.
Good Shepherd Reconciliation Scholarships are funded by the Good Shepherd Sisters and administered by the Mary MacKillop Foundation.
More detailed information and application forms are available from the Mary MacKillop Foundation. Please contact the Project Co-ordinator at:
The Mary MacKillop Foundation Limited
9 Mount Street
North Sydney, NSW, 2060
PO Box 1508
North Sydney, NSW, 2059
Telephone: (02) 9929 7344 or (02) 8912 4860
Email: info@mackillopfoundation.org.au
Website: www.mackillopfoundation.org.au