John Langmore has a realistic opinion piece
here on the
ANZUS Alliance. Our destiny as English speaking nations in the western European tradition are intertwined whatever we or they think. Does the US have to be so self-centred and we so culturally cringing that we cannot have an independent and mature relationship? Can we not affect their point of view and can they not take our view into sound consideration? Both nations have negative psychologies to overcome. We need to grow up and make considered judgments in which we have faith: judgments for which we need no international permission. The US is at a time in its history when the grace to see itself as others see it is deep wisdom. If the US takes the narcissistic line of "How great we art", their judgments will be faulty. I hope there is more discussion on the US-Oz alliance - a discussion, like Langmore's contribution, which is realistic in regard to the prevailing situation but seeking a mature relation which asserts and recognises the independence of each to pursue its own national goals - sometimes without support of the other.