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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Community support needed at Campbellfield

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Under John Howard's No Choice Workplace laws, picket lines are outlawed. So community organisations are springing up right across Melbourne. One of the prime purposes of all this community activity is to provide support for workers in troubled workplaces. People from the community and other trade unionists turn up to particular places. The latest advice is set out below. It is at Preston Motors Mitsubishi in the northern suburbs.

Political & Industrial Protest at Preston Motors Mitsubishi
-TIME : 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
DATE : 10 June, 2006 (SATURDAY)
PLACE : Preston Motors Mitsubishi
1551 Sydney Road Campbellfield 3061

Workers and Locals set to show Unity and Solidarity!!
Workers at Preston Motors Mitsubishi are set to get a significant boost in their campaign to maintain wages and conditions with the AMWU - Vehicle Division (Vic. Branch) setting up a political and industrial protest on-site in Campbellfield this weekend.
State Secretary Gayle Tierney said
"We invite workers and their families to drop-in and show support for the 23 workers who are on the frontline in this battle against the Work Choices legislation.
These workers and their families do not deserve to have their wages and conditions placed under attack.
However, it is clear that the Company want to impose a wage freeze and to remove important conditions that have been in existence for a number of years. This is simply unacceptable."
."With this dispute we are in it for the long haul. We apply the principle that no worker will lose a single cent or have a single condition abolished as a result of the Work Choices legislation. Our job is to ensure that what we have today we will have tomorrow.". said Union Official David Nunns.
MEDIA CONTACT :- Union Official David Nunns 0425 784 812