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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Success on the streets!

The Howard Government and its cronies tries to maintain that yesterday's rallies across the nation in cities and towns and regional centres were not a success. It never sees numbers on the streets of any significance.

250,000 walking across the Sydney Harbour Bridge six years ago asking Howard to say Sorry didn't do a thing. Nor did 100,000 in marching in Sydney trying to head off Australian participation in the Iraq war do a thing.

Yesterday's brilliant rally of 150,000 in the heart of Melbourne, 7,000 at regional centre Wollongong just as two instances is regarded by those who have intimidated the Australian workforce as unsuccessful.

And it wasn't only those who got to the rally. A big thank you needs to go to those Rail, Bus and Tram Unionists in Melbourne who had to work to keep public transport going but gave their support by letting those attending the rally travel for free. Miss Eagle knows of one very busy suburban Melbourne railway station where the orders came from the Station Master to his staff. 'Onya mate. Howard does not talk about that!