The Centre for an Ethical Society has conducted a survey of the political parties. For details of the questions by the CES, the responses, and the analysis go here.
But, dear Reader, there is more to ethics than questions to political parties. If you are going promote ethics and preach ethics then you need to live ethically too. This goes for individuals like your correspondent (and I'm sure there are holes in my personal ethical framework) and for organisations.
When you go here and look at the people listed as Boards and Members, it immediately raises questions. And, Miss Eagle has asked those questions by emailing CES to-day. Below is the content of the email:
I have been in and out of the CES website in recent days and feel compelled to write to you about the constitution of your Board and the Members listed on your site.
I am stunned by the people you have listed. One woman! One black woman! Does she have a disability and immigrant heritage as well - so that everything and all that is tokenism rests on her shoulders?
It is not only the gender bias of your organisation that brings me to write in protest but also the clerical dominance of the people listed on your site. Surely, two of the great lessons of the late twentieth century are the negative fruit generated by patriarchy and professional clericalism - both of which dominate religions of all varieties to this day.
As a practising Christian, I am more than pleased when I come across organised Christian voices espousing balanced public policy directions but an organisation trying to preach ethics needs to provide balance socially and politically in accord with wide-ranging skills, work experience, and life experience within all its constituent parts.