Word has it that Liberal Party staffers were clearing their desks to-day. When political staffers lose their jobs at elections, dear Reader, they tend to be picked up by their party in another jurisdiction. So a staffer from NSW might end up in Queensland. But now the landscape is Labor across the States, Territories and now the Commonwealth. Where will these people go?
The answer (if it is an answer, dear Reader) is the Brisbane City Council. The BCC is like no other Council in the nation. It is huge and covers the whole of Brisbane. Aldermen/women have large wards and draw the same salary as a State Member of Parliament. BCC runs its own transport system and - but this might have changed - used to run its own electricity system.
The Brisbane City Council has a Liberal Lord Mayor named Campbell Newman. Now, I'm sure that Campbell could take one or two of Howard's refugee staff. But that's the only base. Otherwise it's onto the Sydney Morning Herald's Rivers of Gold.