The kulcha change is on at DIMIA and
it has hit the coffee cups. Clearly, DIMIA is going to java its way to justice. Now, I'm the sort who has great difficulty taking Mission Statements seriously. You know those things that are one sentence statements about what an organization is about. They must not, so any business consultant will tell you, be confused with Vision Statements which are completely different beasts - so they say. Now I figure if you have to sweat over a Mission Statement and reduce it to a statement (instead of getting on with business) then I think something is missing. Someone's left something out. Someone's not telling their colleagues and comrades what their doing there. As for Vision Statements, if a Vision is worth two bob it is worth more than two sentences. It is about ethos and energy and commitment and achievement and it is built into everything an organization thinks, feels, and does. What I want to know about DIMIA is:
- What is it doing about NOT locking up the mentally ill in detention centres?
- What is it doing about NOT forcing newcomers to our shores into mental illness?
- How will it prevent locking up Australian citizens?
And, really, I think the only way to deal with DIMIA is to abolish the whole department and start again from scratch with new people and a new ethos and then, it would be hoped, a new culture.